Indias being the second most populated country in the world with an estimated population of 1,380,004,385 people is the fifth largest economy in the world. India is one of the fastest-growing economies in 2020, poverty is on the decline in the country, with close to 44 Indians escaping extreme poverty every minute, as per the World Poverty Clock. India has been able to lift a significant percentage of its population out of poverty, but many still live in it. Our duty is to make these few people who are still suffering from this poverty rise out of it.

Examining poverty trends in South Asian countries: where is Sri ...

In this graph we can see how many people are still in Poverty and need to be brought out of it.

Lets look at all these factors:-

  • Health- There are many people in the poor who do not get the needed good quality health attendance which they need, to get cured from whatever they are facing. In such instances when these illnesses or diseases are not attended to, it can lead to many more severe diseases and then eventually to deaths.
  • Access to and quality of education- Education is the route out of poverty for many children. Children miss out on school because their families need them to earn money. Some children are in such circumstances where they cant even earn enough to educate themselves. But by sacrificing their education, they become trapped in a cycle of poverty.
  • Technology- One way to increase earnings is to improve the value of the services supplied. The use of technology improves the quality of its output, thefore getting the worker a better price. For example, it may help enhance farming or add value to food crops to get a higher price. Technology opens up doors for new opportunities to do business or work. It increases the household incomes among the poor population. Most charities are using the internet and peer-to-peer platforms to raise cash to help the poor or support innovations to improve the welfare of the needy miles away.
  • Work opportunities, wages and conditions- There are many barriers that prevent people from getting a job. Mental illness, addictions, disabilities, and discrimination based on gender, race, age, or sexual orientation: these all contribute to an inaccessible job market for many people living in poverty. It is crucial to provide decent jobs that both secure income and empowerment for the poor, especially women and younger people. Rapid economic growth can potentially bring a high rate of expansion of productive employment, which can lead to a reduction in poverty.

The answer is always going to be yes there is always going to be something you can do. The only question is will you be selfless enough to do so?

Here are some things that our commuties or schools can maybe start doing:

  • Invite some of them to your school maybe every once a week and allow them to pick out some breakfast for families experiencing poverty.
  • School clothes and books bank- Just the way we are provided with school uniforms, and some clothes to wear to school. Your school can put a box outside each classroom at the end of each year. This box will be open to any of your old clothes or last years books. I know for a fact that this will work and definitely make an impact in their lives.
  • Work with local food banks- Here are some ways that you can help your food bank; Donate money to them that can be used to increase their selling rate, Donate items that you know they will use and not stuff that has been opened, products that have expired, or alcohol. If you’re an avid gardener, see if your local food banks accept fresh produce. Again dont force it on them, see if they will use it and then give it.
  • Create a community offer board highlighting services and support available in the local community.
  • Connect with national and local charities- If you know there are local charities going on around you or have been informed of one, do make sure to inform your school and other peers.
  • Offer free fruit snacks for all school children- This is a very selfless act and something that can impact there lives. Over here we are’nt giving them full lunches or breakfast(if you are not comfortable doing it), we are just offering snacks and fruits which are one healthy for them and second we are giving these to them free of cost, which means that no matter what economic situation they are in, it doesnt matter as over here any and everyone can join.
  • An offer of extra-curricular activities- If one of them likes art and craft but has never gotten the opputunity to portray their talent your school or community can offer them a chance. This goes for other passions as well.
  • Learning booster sessions are quite helpful as well as this can instill in this their confidence when speaking or communication.
  • Regular collection of parent and pupil voice- Poverty can be easily be mistaken for neglect. When pupils attend school hungry with a dirty unkept uniform. Families often report not having enough money to provide food, clean and tidy uniform, even some struggling due to their financial situation. More families are getting into debt, finding no way out and at times being evicted due to housing rent debt thereafter leaving nowhere for them to live. Parents have reported waking up every day facing insecurity, uncertainty, and impossible decisions about money. Offering a safe space for parents to share the worries of their situations can really help release the situation around talking about financial struggles. 

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